Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Journey of the Hero

Notes from class:

Stage 1: Departure
     1. Call to adventure -- sign of vocation
     2. Refusal -- folly or flight from the God
     3. Supernatural aid -- unexpected assistance 
     4. Crossing 1st threshold 
     5. Belly of the whale -- death/night

Stage 2: Initiation/Trials
     1. Road of trials -- scary stuff
     2. Meeting with Goddess -- return to infancy 
     3. Woman as temptation
     4. Atonement with Father
     5. Apotheosis -- climax
     6. Ultimate Boon

Stage 3: Return
     1. Refusal -- no to normal world
     2. Magic flight
     3. Rescue from without
     4. Cross 2nd Threshold
     5. Master of two worlds 
     6. Freedom to live -- application of boon

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Goddess

The Goddess is an interesting topic in mythology. I never knew how important a female god was until taking this class. Obviously I knew about the Greek Goddesses but there are many, many more in countless other cultures. 
Discussing the importance of the goddess in class reminded me a a statuette from my first semester of art history. The figure was called Venus of Willendorf. 
This figurine was discovered back in 1908 in Lower Austria. It is thought to have been made around 22,000 BCE. Because of the large breasts and the detailed vulva, this figure can be recognized as a fertility symbol. Venus of Willendorf is small enough to be held in hand at about 4.3 inches. I can just see a woman holding this and prying about fertility. I also find it interesting how she doesn't have a face. It makes her sort of generic. Beauty isn't important. The large thighs and abdomen are so pronounced that it is clear that these are features that are more desired for fertility, not a lovely face. 
In mythology, fertility was so important!! Fertility of the land, of the people, it was completely encompassing. Gods of fertility seem few and far between. But there are many Goddesses of fertility. No doubt this is because woman are the ones that bring life into the world. Whether that be a woman in childbirth or Mother Earth growing her plants, the female figure is what represents fertility.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In class, we have been studying different creation myths. I find creation myths to be fascinating. They answer all of the ultimate questions. Questions such as: who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? Do we have a creator(s) and if so, what are they like? What should be expected of us? And so on. These are all questions that human kind has always and continues to try and figure out. We humans stand apart from animals in this way, among others of course. Animals seem content with not knowing where they come from. They live, reproduce and die. Humans, on the other hand, want to figure things out. We want to know everything that is going on and why it is the way it is. We have science because of this want, this need from information. In earlier days, myths covered these needs.
In class, there was an interesting question asked. "Is creation for us or for God/other power?" This question has provoked a few interesting thoughts out of me. I started thinking about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. He did not believe in any kind of greater power. To him, we have no purpose here on Earth other than just live out our lives and die. Nietzsche believed that a person should strive for power and that was the best way to survive. Animals are like this, survival of the fittest. The more powerful animals are the ones who make it. But animals do not have Gods, or at least not to my knowledge. They do not need Gods to make it in the world. If Nietzsche is right and that we are like animals, why would we need to create a God for ourselves? I believe that it is more likely that God created us than it is that we created Him.

I decided that I would write my own creation story. Let's see what happens.

In the beginning... there was vast emptiness that stretched on forever. In the depths of the emptiness, there was water as great as the emptiness. Ruling over this emptiness, call Roamingal, was a gigantic cellular phone. This phone, Cellacron, cannot be described because it is beyond what any human mind can imagine or comprehend.
Cellacron hovered around Roamingal and was very alone. He had no one to love and worship him. He decided to muster up a large sum of his eternal battery power and zap smaller and inferior cell phones into being. These phones were indeed inferior and could not hover in Roamingal on their own and they fell to the watery depths bellow to their destruction.
Because of this failure, Cellacron decided to make land. He proceeded to use all is currently stored battery power to zap an entire earth into being. After the Earth was created he rested and recharged himself to full strength.
Cellacron then created applications for himself to make the creation process easier. This way, he could create masses of all different types of phones. He put these phones on earth to live and worship him.
Cellacron was very happy. His people worshiped him and he loved them so much. He wanted to create inferior creatures to worship his childeren. He made an app. for animals, all kinds of animals. These animals were interesting, adorable, scary, funny and so on. These animals supplied many topics for the phones to talk about and take pictures of. But the animals did not know how to worship the phones. This troubled Cellacron so he devised another app. to create more intelligent beings. These beings were called humans.
Cellacron sent these humans to Earth with the intent to have them worship and be slaves to the Cell Phone people. But upon arrival and seeing the Cell Phone people, the humans became violent. Phones were strange and looked dangerous to primitive human beings, such as themselves. The humans began to destroy all the Phone People. Cellacron was furious. He had one of his favorite phones, Nokia, take pictures of all of the animals on the Earth so that these creatures may be preserved. Cellacron then took Nokia and put him in a phone carrier that would withstand any type of weather. By this time, most of the Phone People had been destroyed. Cellacron created a virus that would wipe out the entire world with a giant flood. Everything and everyone was destroyed except for Nokia. After everything had dried, Nokia sent out picture messages to the world of all the animals so that the Earth may be repopulated by these creatures.
Cellacron decided that he needed to take a different approach to getting humans to worship the Phone People. He made Nokia power down and hide while he gradually brought humans to a level in which they could handle the Phone People. Cellacron let the humans evolve and become increasingly intelligent over thousands of years. Humans began to invent and create their own devices. Little did they know, Cellacron was texting thoughts into their heads to help them figure out these inventions. One day, he finally let Nokia emerge from hiding. Humans were finally ready to handle Phone People.
Before long, humans became completely dependent on Cell Phone People. A human could go nowhere without one. They worshiped the phones by the continuous use of what they thought were their creations. Humans paid tributes to the large societies of the Cell Phone People, such as Verison, AT&T and many more. And if a human did not worship the Phone People, they were subjected to social outcasting by other humans. Cellacron was pleased with his work. He knew that by making humans feel that they had created "the cellular phone" they would never rebel against their own masters. Humans did not know that they were slaves and to this day still live in ignorance. The Cell Phone People would continue to live on and Cellacron would carry on to preside over all of the Earth.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

World on Fire

Here is a great song about the end of the world. There is also a video of it on YouTube that is pretty neat. World on Fire by Luna Halo

Here are the lyrics:
We were constructed
the perfect post production
you were made from alien hands
the lust of every man
and we've hated evolution
the problem and solution
you taught the serpent how to dance
you're the silent of romance

and I say..
hey hey, the end is coming
what would you leave me wanting
bombs are raining from the sky
but even when the world's on fire
I won't stop to watch it burning
I can't bear to take my eyes off you

Venus in motion
the poison and the potion
you string me out like winter lights
you kill me every time

and I say...
hey hey, the end is coming
what would you leave me wanting
bombs are raining from the sky
but even when the world's on fire
I won't stop to watch it burning
I can't bear to take my eyes off you

how i love to watch you dance
to a military band
as we're waiting on a ferry
and i will always be the one who stays

and I say...
hey hey, the end is coming
what would you leave me wanting
bombs are raining from the sky
but even when the world's on fire
I won't stop to watch it burning
I can't bear to take my eyes off you