Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cupid and Psyche

In our last class, we discussed the myth of Cupid in Psyche. I remember learning this myth back in high but only up to the point where Cupid leaves Psyche. It has been very interesting to learn the rest of the story. All I know is, Venus in not a Goddess that you want to piss off. The trial she puts Psyche through are insane! But alas, true love prevails. Cupid and Psyche truly love each other. Without that bond of true love, this story could not have carried out in the way that it did. Psyche would never have gone looking for Cupid and he would not have come back to her in the end. Psyche becomes a female hero in the even of carrying out the tasks the Venus demands at her, even if she does not do them entirely on her own. We do not see as many heroines in mythology, it is rather refreshing. The characters in this story are just so easy to relate to. The jealously of Venus, the passion of Psyche, the love of Cupid, all attributes we see in actual human personalities. I enjoyed reading this story and getting the full idea of what all happened between Cupid and Psyche. 

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