Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Norse Gods to Remeber for the Quiz

Odin: Ruler of Aesir, god of war, knoledge, wisdom, married to Frigg
Thor: God of thunder, might, war. Carries a hammer and belt of strength
Baldr: God of light, very beautiful and gracious
Njord: ruler of the sea, fire and the north wind, married to Skadi
Frey: fertility, sun and rain
Freyja: fertility, love, marriage, entitled to half of the warriors killed in battle
Tyr: God of war
Bragi: God of poetry
Heindall: God of dawn and light, watchman/guardian
Loki: Trickster


  1. How did it all shake out for you?

  2. It went really well actually. There were no crazy curve balls or anything and it really helped getting to work with each other. The word bank was a nice touch as well. =)
