Saturday, April 23, 2011

Feeling a Bit Sleep Deprived

I have been pulling some long nights lately getting ready for a portfolio review. The lack of sleep has provoked some thoughts out of me regarding a certain myth or fictional character, if you will. The Sandman is a mythical character often associated with sleep. I decided to do a little research behind it and find out more about how this person came to be.
The Sandman was originally created as a nursery story to scare children into going to sleep. He would creep up to naughty children who wouldn't go to bed and sprinkle very fine sand into their eyes. The child's eye would start itching and he or she would begin to rub them until they fell out. The Sandman would then take the eyes and feed them to his children on the moon. Talk about gory! I was a bit shocked to find out that this was the reality of the Sandman. But as time has gone on, this character has turned into more of a friendly being that helps children sleep and bestows upon them the most beautiful dreams. I am much more fond of this Sandman. I would rather quite like to keep my eyes.
I use to think this story must have come about as an explanation for the sand-like crusties you  sometimes have in your eyes in the morning. I guess that could still very well be. I often think about the Sandman and how he doesn't come visit me that often anymore. We have had a bit of a strained relationship. But as summer rolls around, hopefully we will grow close once again.

The Sandman Clip Art

1 comment:

  1. I like to think of the original version of the Sandman while listening to Metallica's "Enter Sandman". Creepy.
