Friday, April 15, 2011

My Apocalypse

In my printmaking class, we did a print exchange with another school. The theme of this exchange was "The Apocalypse." When doing this assignment I definitely thought about mythology. Most cultures have a way in which they believe the world will end. I thought about the culture that I live in and what surrounds me. What would cause the destruction of our world? Why would the world be ending? What would that experience be like? The image I came up with somewhat follows the idea of a nuclear blow out. The title of this piece is "Stille Nacht,"which mean "Silent Night" in German. I feel that a viewer can interpret this image however they like. It can be applicable to many different types of destruction. I mean, who can honestly know exactly how the world is going to end? It is something to think about. 

"Stille Nacht"

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